
Chernobyl Children International (CCI) is a registered company (Companies Registration Number: 211588) and is registered with the Charities Regulator (Charity Reg. No 20031541).

Chernobyl Children International aims to alleviate the suffering of children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster through self-sustaining development and aid programmes. Our vision is for children and families living within the Chernobyl affected regions who have been affected by the 1986 accident to be provided with the care and support they need through sustainable community initiatives. When children reach adulthood, that they will be given the rights and support to live a life free from involuntary incarceration.

Board, Officers and Management

Chernobyl Children International is governed by members of the Board who are elected for three-year terms, which are renewable. All the Directors are non-executive, except for the Voluntary CEO, and have a range of relevant expertise in the areas of finance, public policy and administration, law, and business.  All board members are voluntary and do not receive any remuneration.


The Board is committed to achieving the highest possible standards of governance and is determined that Chernobyl Children International complies with the Charities Regulatory Authority’s Guidance and the principles outlined in The Governance Code.   The Board is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the company’s objectives, for setting its strategic direction, financial control and for upholding the company’s values.

Compliance with Sector-wide Standards

CCI complies with the following codes of practice:

  • Charities Institute Ireland (CII) Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising (formerly known as ICTR)
  • The Comhlamh Volunteer Charter and Code of Good Practice for sending Organisations.
  • United Nations Development Programme; CCI are the sole organisation working in the Chernobyl area to be honoured with UN official NGO status.




Comhlámh is an umbrella organisation for Irish Volunteer Sending Organisations (VSOs) and CCI are proud to be a signatory of their ‘Code of Good Practice’ since 2011.

Click here for more information.


Chernobyl Children International – Financial Information



Further information on CCI’s finances is available here.

Irish Office

Chernobyl Children International
4 The Stables
Alfred Street
Tel: +353 21 455 8774


USA Affiliate

Chernobyl Children International
Northport Financial Center
490 Main Street
Northport NY 11768