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News: 4 Oct 2022

Hope after institutional living – Sasha Pestov returns to visit friends and family in Vesnova

4 Oct 2022

We are delighted to see that one of the graduates of our ‘Restoration of Rights’ programme is fully embracing his freedom and agency, by undertaking a brave and momentous journey to visit family and friends who remain in institutional care, who were delighted to see him.

Sasha Pestov has made an impressive journey of over 230kms on 3 modes of public transport, from Chausey to Vesnova, completely independently.  It’s the first time anyone who has had their Rights restored were able to return to their former home in Vesnova as a visitor.

Sasha had his rights restored with the support of CCI earlier this year, and now lives in CCI’s Independent Living Home in Chausey, where he has access to supports and accommodation, ensuring a successful transition from institutionalised life to community living.

It is milestones, such as Sasha’s journey, that paves the way for others following in his footsteps to settle into independent life as an active and valued member of the community in which they live.

Well done, Sasha!