Monday 26 April marks United Nations Chernobyl Remembrance Day and the 35th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
We are inviting you to take part in our Global Candle Lighting Event to send a message of hope to the victims of Chernobyl, to say to them ‘We will not forget you’, and to honour and pay homage to the unstinting and unwavering contribution from Irish volunteers and the Irish nation over the last 35 years.
We welcome you to take a picture of you lighting your candle of solidarity and sharing it on social media on Monday 26 April, using the hashtag #Chernobyl35
CCI will join the Children of Chernobyl in lighting a candle on this special day of remembrance #IWillNotForgetYou #Chernobyl35
Chernobyl is often relegated to the realms of history, with many thinking that it is something that happened a very long time ago and no longer causes any threat. However, the reality is very different. Chernobyl is the past, present, and future.
In this present Pandemic, it is easy to become despondent, yet we can still reach out to others, despite our difficulties. It is because of our difficulties we now know more than ever what it is to struggle. We will light a candle collectively to show our hope and unity for a brighter future. We cannot choose to banish the darkness, but we can choose to kindle the light!
You can use the messaging below when sharing your photo online on Monday 26 April:
Today I am lighting a candle in solidarity with the victims of Chernobyl and to honour the unwavering contribution from Irish volunteers and the Irish nation over the last 35 years. #IWillNotForgetYou #Chernobyl35
Facebook: Chernobyl Children International
Instagram: @ChernobylChildren
Twitter: @Chernobyl